
目前顯示的是 2014的文章

scp in Ericsson SmartEdge 1200

copy [source] [destination] => copy [local path]/[filename] scp://[username]:[password]@[remote server ip]/[destination path]/[filename] command example: copy /md/test.gz scp://username:password@

BASH script: resize pictures in rar archive

It's tested on CentOS 7. Before use it, you must install zip and ImageMagick: yum install zip ImageMagick and unrar: # wget http://pkgs.repoforge.org/rpmforge-release/rpmforge-release-0.5.2-2.el6.rf.x86_64.rpm # rpm -Uvh rpmforge-release-0.5.2-2.el6.rf.x86_64.rpm # yum update # yum install unrar Create a exectable file (it names "rarresizer.sh" here.) with Code below: #!/bin/bash mkdir ./tmp mkdir ./produced IFS=$'\n' for UNRARFILE in $( ls *.rar ); do echo item: $UNRARFILE UNRARCACHE="${UNRARFILE%.rar}" mkdir ./tmp/$UNRARCACHE unrar x $UNRARFILE tmp/$UNRARCACHE find ./tmp/$UNRARCACHE -name *.jpg -print -exec mogrify -resize x1308\> {} \; find ./tmp/$UNRARCACHE -name *.png -print -exec mogrify -resize x1308\> {} \; find . -name *.txt -exec rm -f {} \; find . -name *.url -exec rm -f {} \; cd ./tmp zip -0 -r ../produced/$UNRARCACHE.zip ./$UNRARCACHE cd .. done echo done\! unset IFS You can change resize parameter with width x...

BASH script: resize pictures in zip archive

It's tested on CentOS 7. Before use it, you must install zip, unzip and ImageMagick: yum install zip unzip ImageMagick Create a exectable file (it names "zipresizer.sh" here.) with Code below: #!/bin/bash IFS=$'\n' mkdir ./tmp mkdir ./produced for UNZIPFILE in $( ls *.zip ); do  echo item: $UNZIPFILE  UNZIPCACHE="${UNZIPFILE%.zip}"  mkdir ./tmp/$UNZIPCACHE  unzip $UNZIPFILE -d tmp/$UNZIPCACHE  find ./tmp/$UNZIPCACHE -name *.jpg -print -exec mogrify -resize x1308\> {} \;  find ./tmp/$UNZIPCACHE -name *.png -print -exec mogrify -resize x1308\> {} \;  find . -name *.txt -exec rm -f {} \;  find . -name *.url -exec rm -f {} \;  cd ./tmp  zip -0 -r ../produced/$UNZIPFILE ./$UNZIPCACHE  cd .. done echo done\! unset IFS You can change resize parameter with width x height like this: find ./tmp/$UNZIPCACHE -name *.jpg -print -exec mogrify -resize 512x1308 {} \; or by percentage: find ./tmp/$UNZIPCACHE -name *.jpg -print ...


  各位好,我目前在某電信商服務,主要工作是網路工程師,此外還會與其它單位共同執行專案,故對於專案管理這門學問很有興趣,但也由於工作忙碌的關係,僅止於翻翻書籍雜誌,並無深入研究、探討。隨著時間推進,身邊擁有PMP證照的同事越來越多,又剛好公司提供了這次的機會,讓我下定決心接受這次的課程、全力衝刺。   也非常感謝長宏的講師群及教學團隊課程,光看課本的投影片就可以知道長宏在教材的設計真的相當的用心,搭配教師群活潑生動的授課及經驗分享,讓學生自然而然的進入狀況,再加上課程結束後隔天的讀書會的預習及複習,可以再加深課程的印象,幫助課程的學習及融會貫通,對於證照的取得相當有幫助。   此外,輔考系統亦是一絕,從隨堂測驗到200題模擬考、章節測驗及成績分析,不僅幫助考生了解自己不熟悉的地方,更可幫助考生抓住PMP考試出題的”感覺”,對於提升對於考試的臨場反應、降低對於考試陌生、不安的心理非常有效。   整個課程除了正式的六堂課程外,還有每週一次的讀書會討論,等於是週一到週日毫無喘息空間,老實說一開始心裡有點排斥。但是在經驗豐富的教練及共好夥伴互相支持及鼓勵下,總算順利完成本次的訓練並取得了PMP證照。最後,也希望各位尚未取得PMP的準PMP們可以順利通過考試,取得PMP證照!!   真的非常感謝大家。

How to enable Realtek NIC on VMware ESXi 5.5

If you've not install ESXi...... Download VIB for Realtek NIC Integrade VIB to ESXi Image use ESXi-Customizer . Install ESXi from the new ESXi image If you've installed ESXi...... Download VIB for Realtek NIC Upload VIB to your ESXi datastore Enable SSH service on your ESXi Use this command to install the VIB esxcli software vib install -v /vmfs/volumes/datastore1/VMware_bootbank_net-r8169_6.011.00-2vmw.510.0.0.799733.vib Reboot your ESXi host Download VIB for Realtek NIC: VMware_bootbank_net-r8168_8.013.00-3vmw.510.0.0.799733 VMware_bootbank_net-r8169_6.011.00-2vmw.510.0.0.799733

Install Ubuntu from USB stick, but an got error message "...couldn't mount the CD-ROM..."

How to mount Ubuntu ISO to /cdrom while installing ubuntu. You must copy installation iso to your usb stick. press ALT+F2 mkdir /media/usb mount -t vfat /dev/sdb /media/usb mount -t iso9660 -o loop /media/usb/ubuntu-12.04.3-server-amd64.iso /cdrom press ALT+F1 back to installation, select "Load debconf prexonfiguration file" and retry mount cdrom