BASH script: resize pictures in rar archive
It's tested on CentOS 7. Before use it, you must install zip and ImageMagick: yum install zip ImageMagick and unrar: # wget # rpm -Uvh rpmforge-release-0.5.2-2.el6.rf.x86_64.rpm # yum update # yum install unrar Create a exectable file (it names "" here.) with Code below: #!/bin/bash mkdir ./tmp mkdir ./produced IFS=$'\n' for UNRARFILE in $( ls *.rar ); do echo item: $UNRARFILE UNRARCACHE="${UNRARFILE%.rar}" mkdir ./tmp/$UNRARCACHE unrar x $UNRARFILE tmp/$UNRARCACHE find ./tmp/$UNRARCACHE -name *.jpg -print -exec mogrify -resize x1308\> {} \; find ./tmp/$UNRARCACHE -name *.png -print -exec mogrify -resize x1308\> {} \; find . -name *.txt -exec rm -f {} \; find . -name *.url -exec rm -f {} \; cd ./tmp zip -0 -r ../produced/$ ./$UNRARCACHE cd .. done echo done\! unset IFS You can change resize parameter with width x...