
[Solved] If you forgot your f**king security question in Apple ID login portal

If you forgot your security question, you can follow the Apple SOP " If you forgot the answers to your Apple ID security questions " to reset your security question answer. I meet a situation. I want to login Apple ID portal to manage my secondary account, but I forgot my security question answer. I could not login to the portal! Then, I followed to SOP to reset my security question and answer. But system asked me to answer one security question if I want to reset my security question......WTF!! I contact with apple customer service, and here is their answer: Apple especially pay attention to customer's security.  So, if you forgot your security question answer, we CAN NOT  reset your security question answer. And there is no other way to reset it. I remember enabling TWO step authentication , and the security question will be disabled!! I take another apple device and login with my secondary account with password, and enable two-step authentication. then, ...

Dell XPS 9550: 惱人的低亮度閃爍問題

當Dell XPS 9550的螢幕亮度降至0%(最低)時, 小部分的使用者就會碰到螢幕閃爍的問題... 這跟前面所提到的4K螢幕的閃爍問題不太一樣, 經過多方測試(換driver、換BIOS)皆無效。 結論: 硬體問題 call Dell客服報修→待料(等了約一週)→ 派工(隔天)→更換面板後確認問題解決 所以有碰到同樣問題的朋友...直接向Dell報修吧 (躺

python script: rapidgator downloader for windows

有在用rapidgator.net的人都知道, 下載檔案時常常中斷 , 至今原因不明... 再加上chrome沒有自動續傳的功能(甚至在預設的設定中, 續傳功能是被關閉的), 所以一中斷就要手動去點續傳, 非常的麻煩。 由於個人不想用網路上針對這些免空的下載軟體, 只好自己找解決方案。 中間用了Windows版的wget, 發現它可以自動續傳沒有問題, 但是...下載下來的檔案名稱會變一串怪東西: index.html@r=download%2Findex&session_id=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx WTF!! 因為最近剛好在學習程式語言python, 就拿它來寫了一個小小的script, 主要的工作流程大概是這樣: 透過Rapidgator的API, 登入Rapidgator, 取得session ID 將該session ID與Rapidgator的下載頁面連結結合, 向Rapidgator取得檔案的資訊 (檔案名稱、大小等等) 以及完整的下載連結 呼叫wget, 開始下載檔案, 當下載中斷時, 自動續傳檔案 當下載完成時, 根據步驟2取得的檔案名稱, 透過Windows指令"ren"重新命名 (個人喜好) 若下載下來的檔案副檔名為rar時, 呼叫"7zip"將rar解壓縮並刪除原本的rar檔 在這個script中, 使用的資源有: wget for windows: http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/wget.htm 7-zip for windows:  http://www.7-zip.org/ 敝人拙作下載連結: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6x3YTf2Q9R8ekNoa2pMbmRPems 希望可以幫助到碰上相同問題的朋友。 注意事項: 下載下來的zip檔中, 已經包含 了wget及7zip 您需要有自己的rapidgator帳號 下載下來後, 請使用文字編輯器修改py_wget.py中的username及password 此Script 只能在Windows執行 執行前 別忘了...

關於Dell XPS 15 (9550) / Precision 15 (5510) UHD (4K) 螢幕閃爍問題 (已解決)

新的Dell XPS/Precision 系列的筆記型電腦是非常亮眼的產品,特別是4K螢幕的機種。 但是!! 當你隨著Dell更新把BIOS上到1.2.x版之後......你的4K螢幕就會開始不定時的閃爍。 這非常的要命......用起來非常非常的不舒服。 若想要解決這個問題,目前最有效的方式大概只有把BIOS降回1.2.0這個版本。 但很不幸的......Dell官網已經把BIOS版本1.2.0的下載連結移除了,原因不明...... 下面是先前留存下來的BIOS下載連結,有需要的人請自行取用: Dell XPS 15 BIOS (1.2.0): http://ul.to/btfr737x https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6x3YTf2Q9R8cE53aU0zZVJNdkE Dell Precision 15 BIOS (1.2.0): http://ul.to/m7og95rx https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6x3YTf2Q9R8OGVSUy16UzVGQnM PS. 網路上有人說把Intel 530的驅動程式版本降到4331、4352或其它版本可以解決閃爍問題。 但我試過了,在新的BIOS下,就算把Intel顯卡驅動程式降版,螢幕仍然會閃爍......

About Dell XPS 15 (9550) / Precision 15 (5510) UHD (4K) monitor flickering problem. (Solved)

Dell laptop XPS/Precision with UHD (4K) monitor is very beautiful model. But!! After upgrades BIOS to 1.2.x, your monitor will start flickering. If you wanna reduce this problem, the best way is downgrade BIOS to 1.2.0. Unfortunately, the BIOS version 1.2.0 download link has been removed from Dell official site... Here is archives: Dell XPS 15 BIOS (1.2.0): http://ul.to/btfr737x https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6x3YTf2Q9R8cE53aU0zZVJNdkE Dell Precision 15 BIOS (1.2.0): http://ul.to/m7og95rx https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6x3YTf2Q9R8OGVSUy16UzVGQnM PS. Somebody says another way is that downgrade Intel driver to version 4331, 4352 or others can solve this problem. ...I tried, but the monitor is still flickering.

scp in Ericsson SmartEdge 1200

copy [source] [destination] => copy [local path]/[filename] scp://[username]:[password]@[remote server ip]/[destination path]/[filename] command example: copy /md/test.gz scp://username:password@

BASH script: resize pictures in rar archive

It's tested on CentOS 7. Before use it, you must install zip and ImageMagick: yum install zip ImageMagick and unrar: # wget http://pkgs.repoforge.org/rpmforge-release/rpmforge-release-0.5.2-2.el6.rf.x86_64.rpm # rpm -Uvh rpmforge-release-0.5.2-2.el6.rf.x86_64.rpm # yum update # yum install unrar Create a exectable file (it names "rarresizer.sh" here.) with Code below: #!/bin/bash mkdir ./tmp mkdir ./produced IFS=$'\n' for UNRARFILE in $( ls *.rar ); do echo item: $UNRARFILE UNRARCACHE="${UNRARFILE%.rar}" mkdir ./tmp/$UNRARCACHE unrar x $UNRARFILE tmp/$UNRARCACHE find ./tmp/$UNRARCACHE -name *.jpg -print -exec mogrify -resize x1308\> {} \; find ./tmp/$UNRARCACHE -name *.png -print -exec mogrify -resize x1308\> {} \; find . -name *.txt -exec rm -f {} \; find . -name *.url -exec rm -f {} \; cd ./tmp zip -0 -r ../produced/$UNRARCACHE.zip ./$UNRARCACHE cd .. done echo done\! unset IFS You can change resize parameter with width x...